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► Chapter One: Camel Spider Facts and Descriptions
► Chapter Two: Choosing and Acquiring a Camel Spider
► Chapter Three: Feeding Your Camel Spider
► Chapter Four: Molting
► Chapter Five: Housing for Your Camel Spider
► Chapter Six: Vet Care for Your Camel Spider
► Chapter Seven: Breeding Your Camel Spider
Chapter Five: Housing for Your Camel Spider

In order to have a pet camel spider, it is imperative that you have a place to keep her. The best forms of housing are mason jars, sun tea jars, or an aquarium.
Before you catch your spider, you’ll need to set up their home. Follow these steps closely and carefully and you will ensure a safe setup for both you and your pet.
Find a container to use as the terrarium that will prove to be virtually impossible to escape from. Keep in mind, though, that it has to be easy enough to open that you can feed your black widow. The best containers are listed below in detail:
Sun tea jars are safe for use with camel spiders because they are made out of glass or plastic. The lid has a tiny hole with a hatch over it that is suitable for a feeding port. Because there is a spout on the side of the jar, ensure that it is plugged up so the spider cannot crawl out.
Critter keepers can be easily found at garage sales/thrift stores and can be bought at any pet store. These are intended to hold animals firmly.
Because camel spiders do not require much room, mason jars are the perfect size for your spider. The lids, however, will require holes in the top.
Just remember: Camel spiders are very stationary, and they are not strong enough to lift anything sitting loosely on your terrarium.
The bottom of the container will need dirt or sand to serve as the substrate. Sand contrasts your black widow in color, while dirt holds moisture (however this can lead to mold if humidity is too high). You will be learning more about substrate in a few sections.
Camel spiders need privacy, as they are reclusive animals. You can use small flower pots, which can be found at any store with gardening supplies. You can also try driftwood, bark, or rocks if you want to go for a more natural look. and Scenery and reptile caves are another approach, and they can be found and bought at pet stores.
This step is entirely optional. Figure out what type of decorations you would like for your spider’s terrarium. Just make sure that they are not treated with dangerous chemicals that could possibly kill your camel spider.
Heating is a generally unnecessary thing in terms of black widow care. If you live in an extremely cold region, though, heating could become a must, depending on how cold your house gets.
Black widows are most active during the summer months, so the ideal temperature for them is about 76° F (which is considered ‘room temperature’). Most commercial heaters for reptiles are heated between 80° F and 90° F. Always ask the salesperson at your local pet store about the temperatures.
When heating your terrarium, it is vital that you have either an external or internal thermometer in order to monitor the temperature.
Brands such as Zoo Med make heating pads that sit beneath the tank. Make sure that the heating pad isn’t near or on anything that could potentially burn or melt.
A tank that is too hot or too cold can kill your spider. Always keep an eye on things. We personally do not advise the use of heat pads.
Humidity is not vital for a camel spider, but moisture for drinking is. If you have a mesh lid aquarium and have plants, then you will need humidity.
On about a weekly basis, spray the ground with water so it looks moist. If the substrate looks predominantly dry, continue spraying until it looks damp. Make sure that there is no pond of accumulated water to prevent your camel spider from being drown.
If you have a different kind of container, minimize the use of humidity and use a wet cotton ball to serve as an area to drink. Water bowls are death traps for camel spiders, as they can very easily drown (they cannot swim).
Never spray your spider. The force from the concentrated spray could harm her and subject her to big amounts of water. Also, make sure that your lid is properly ventilated; otherwise, there is a higher possibility of growing mold. No matter what type of terrarium you use, always check for mold.
Lighting is not essential for camel spiders being that they are nocturnal creatures. There is no need to use lamps or lighting of any sort for your pet camel spider. In fact, the use of lamps can result in burning your spider/causing it to overheat.
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