- Chapter One: What are Hedgehogs? 1
- Taxonomy and Scientific Name 2
- Origin & Distribution 2
- General Appearance and Behavior 3
- Physical Characteristics 7
- Senses of Hedgehogs 11
- Chapter Two: Hedgehogs as Pets 21
- What Makes It a Good Pet? 22
- Pros and Cons of Owning One 28
- Hedgehog Ownership 28
- The Hedgehog as an Invasive Species 33
- Where to Purchase a Hedgehog 34
- Popular Types of Hedgehog 34
- Chapter Three: Preparing for Your Hedgehog 37
- Habitat Requirements 38
- Costs of the Housing Requirements 43
- Hedgehog House Proofing 43
- Chapter Four: Hedgehog Nutrition 45
- What they eat in the wild vs. in captivity 46
- Cat foods vs. Hedgehog foods 47
- Fruits and Vegetables 49
- Hedgehog Treats 51
- Toxic Foods for Your Hedgehog 52
- Portions and Amounts to Feed Your Hedgehog 53
- Feeding Wild Hedgehogs 53
- Chapter Five: Grooming Your Hedgehog 55
- How to Groom Your Hedgehog 56
- Nail Trimming 58
- Things You’ll Need for Grooming 58
- Chapter Six: Socializing Your Hedgehog 61
- Behavior and Temperament 62
- Owner Responsibility 63
- Why do you need to socialize your hedgehog? 63
- Self – Anointing in Hedgehogs 64
- Chapter Seven: Breeding Your Hedgehog 67
- Mating and Breeding Basics 68
- Breeding Requirements for Hedgehogs 69
- Housing Hedgehogs Together 70
- Some Breeding Precautions 73
- Chapter Eight: Keeping Your Hedgehog Healthy 75
- Common Illnesses and Treatments 76
- Health Tips for Your Hedgehogs 78
- Human Influence 81
- Chapter Nine: Hedgehog Myths, Mysteries and Fun Trivia 83
- Chapter Ten: Hedgehog Summary 91
- General Information: 92
- Hedgehogs as Pets: 93
- Habitat Requirements 95
- Hedgehog Nutrition 96
- Grooming Your Hedgehog 97
- Socializing Your Hedgehog 98
- Breeding Your Hedgehog 98
- Keeping Your Hedgehog Healthy 99
- Hedgehog Myths 100
- Photo Credits 101
- References 103