- Introduction 1
- Glossary of Snake Terms 3
- Chapter One: Pueblan Milk Snake in Focus 2
- Facts about Pueblan Milk Snakes 3
- Getting Ready to Commit 5
- Quick Facts 7
- Chapter Two: Pueblan Milk Snake Requirements 10
- License Requirements 12
- How Many Pueblan Milk Snakes Should You Keep? 15
- Pueblan Milk Snakes with Other Pets 16
- Ease and Cost of Care 16
- Pros and Cons of Keeping Pueblan Milk Snakes 20
- Chapter Three: Purchasing Your Pueblan Milk Snake 22
- Convincing Your Housemates 23
- Finding a Reputable Pueblan Milk Snake Breeder 24
- Choosing a Pueblan Milk Snake 30
- List of Snake Breeders 31
- Chapter Four: Maintenance for Your Pueblan Milk Snake 34
- Building and Maintaining Your PMS’ Home 35
- Caring Tips for Your Pueblan Milk Snake 38
- Common Maintenance Problems 40
- Ways to Keep your Pueblan Milk Snake Happy 41
- Maintaining Humidity 42
- Useful Tools and Devices 45
- Chapter Five: Nutritional Needs of Pueblan Milk Snake 48
- Feeding Guidelines Your Pueblan Milk Snake 49
- Promoting Proper Eating Habits for Pueblan Milk Snake 51
- Pueblan Milk Snake Feeding Schedule 52
- Pueblan Milk Snake’s Diet 56
- Chapter Six: Pueblan Milk Snake Husbandry 58
- Cleaning and Disinfecting the Snake Cage and Habitat 59
- Tips for Bathing a Pueblan Milk Snake 63
- Chapter Seven: Breeding and Raising Pueblan Milk Snakes 66
- Sexing 67
- Brumation 70
- Mating 71
- Breeding 72
- Checking for Sperm and Follicles 74
- Taking Care of a Pregnant Snake 75
- Raising Young Pueblan Milk Snake 75
- Getting Along With Your Snake 79
- Handling your Pueblan Milk Snake 84
- Creating the Right Environment for your PMS 86
- Chapter Nine: Keeping Your Pueblan Milk Snake Healthy 88
- Common Health Problems 90
- Checking Your Snake’s Health 92
- Pueblan Milk Snake Care Sheet 96
- Basic Information 97
- Nutritional Needs 98
- Breeding Information 98
- Index 100
- Photo Credits 106
- References 108