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► Chapter One: Pugs in Focus
► Chapter Two: Requirements of Pugs
► Chapter Three: Tips on Buying Pug Dogs
► Chapter Four: Maintenance for Pugs
► Chapter Five: Nutritional Needs of Pug Dogs
► Chapter Six: Caring Guidelines for Pug dogs
► Chapter Seven: Showing Your Pug Dogs
► Chapter Eight: Breeding Your Pug Dogs
► Chapter Nine: Keeping Your Dog Healthy
► Chapter Ten: Pug Dogs Care Sheet
Chapter Two: Requirements of Pugs

Knowing what your new Pug dog needs in terms of food, lodging, care, grooming, exercise, play, medical care and activities are important details a potential caregiver must know. The care and rearing of a puppy does not end after acquisition – in fact, it is just the start. Building a relationship with your Pug will be one of the most rewarding experiences you will cherish in life. Start off the new union by reading up extensively on the traits and personality as well as the needs and requirements of your a Pug dog to aid in its successful integration to its new family.
In this chapter you will find useful information that will provide you a clear idea of what your Pug will need to enjoy a life of happy contentment at home.
The pros and cons of taking in a Pug are some considerations you will want to ponder before making the decision of adding one to the family dynamics. Noteworthy traits of the Pug are oftentimes described as clownish and playful, other times said to be dignified and tranquil, constantly lauded as stable and sturdy, as well as consistently amiable and good humored.
The Pug will have a lot to say with its odd sounding bark when strangers and visitors arrive at your doorstep. It will then welcome the newcomer, if allowed into the portals of your home, with snuffles, grunts, and snorts. Though they are fine when in the midst of other pets and animals, Pugs can get very jealous if it sees another pet occupying your lap. As stubborn as they may seem at times, the stable Pug will rarely get into any real mischief. Mature Pugs will spend most of the day in dreamland, asleep. Housebreaking your Pug can be a bit of a challenge especially when it rains. Another embarrassing problem they have is their shameless tendency to release gas.
Should you desire a canine who…
- is small, yet blocky and stocky
- has large expressive eyes set on a short, snub face
- is generally polite with everyone, including other animals, pets and children
- does not need too much exercise
- seldom gets into mischief
If do not want to deal with…
- snuffling, snorting, snoring, wheezing and occasional slobbering
- flatulence (gas)
- challenges in housebreaking
- daily shedding as a constant
- a few potential health issues due to his deformed face
The good news is, the cons listed here are avoidable and can be minimized by dealing with a reputable breeder who will hand over a healthy puppy into your expectant arms. Training your dog to give you respect is another way to stave off the ill behaviors perceived in the Pug.
Letting the Pug know early in its life that the alpha is around the house will need discipline and consistency from you.
Alternatively, you can do a good deed by adopting an adult Pug from your local rescue group or animal shelter. Rescuing a canine from a shelter, proven to be free of negative traits and most likely housebroken, will not only cost much less – you would have also saved a canine from a certain and unfortunate fate. Personnel from the shelter may not have concrete answers or documentation for the Pug so be aware that you may potentially be bringing home a Pug with existing medical conditions.
Attending to the business of acquiring a license for your Pug is a law requirement that you will have to factor into the yearly expenses of your Pug. A license is required across states and will be necessary for identification purposes should animal control happen to chance upon a “loitering” canine.
The annual license fee costs anywhere from $10-$20. By default, animals that have not been spayed or neutered have to pay higher fees as opposed to animals that they have undergone the de-sexing procedure. The rationale for the raised fees for unaltered animals is to encourage caregivers to get their pets “fixed”. In some places like King County, Washington, license for an unaltered animal will cost $60 – the good news is, caregivers are given a $25 voucher which is accepted by many local vets and can go toward payment for the procedure.
Licenses for signal, service and trained guide dogs who are employed to assist their disabled caregivers are usually free. Sometimes, older people or disabled individuals are provided free licenses which have undergone alteration. Other cities also give a little reprieve to caregivers whose household income fall below a certain amount. Micro-chipped or tattooed canines in Pennsylvania are able to obtain lifetime licenses due to their identification chip. Being caregiver to many canines may require a kennel license which will cover all the canines under your care.
Counties and city governments are regulators of animals within their jurisdiction. A caregiver will usually be able to get their license in the mail and others can be provided online. Let your fingers do the walking and look for the licensing department of your city or county in the phonebook.
Most states will require a caregiver to submit a certificate of current rabies vaccination in order to obtain a dog license. This is why puppies are exempt from having a license until they are of the proper rabies vaccination age of about 4 months old. Local governments maintain transparency between them and canine caregivers by way of a canine’s vaccination records; the administering vet is bound by law to send a record to the county reflecting whether or not a dog is licensed.
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