- Chapter One: Introduction 1
- Glossary of Cat Terms 7
- Chapter Two: Siamese Cats in Focus 16
- Interesting Facts about the Siamese cat 17
- A Summary of Facts about the Siamese cat 19
- The Siamese cat Breed History 21
- The Oriental Siamese Reaches Western Shores 22
- The Siamese Introduced to the Western Public 23
- Informative Tidbits about the Siamese Cat 26
- The Traditional Siamese vs. the Modern Siamese 28
- Chapter Three: Siamese Cat Requirements 31
- Should You Opt for More Than One Siamese cat? 32
- Cats and Humans 33
- Do Siamese Cats Get Along Well with Other Pets? 35
- What does it Cost to take in a Siamese cat? 36
- Initial Costs 37
- What Are the Pros and Cons of Owning a Siamese cat? 38
- Pros of Owning a Siamese Cat 38
- Chapter Four: Acquiring Your Very Own Siamese Cats 40
- Where Should You Look to Acquire a Siamese Cat? 41
- Things to Remember When Looking for a Reputable Breeder 42
- Adopt a Siamese cat from a Rescue 45
- List of Websites of Breeders and Rescue Adoption 46
- Another Bit of Siamese cat Trivia 48
- Selecting a Healthy Siamese cat 49
- How to Feline-Proof Your Home 54
- Chapter Five: Living with Your Siamese Cats 60
- Habitat and Activity Needs for Siamese Cats 61
- Keeping Your Siamese cat Healthy and Fit 63
- Equipment You Need to Supply for Your Siamese cat 64
- The Personality of a Siamese Cat 67
- Chapter Six: Nutritional Needs of Siamese Cats 72
- The Nutritional Needs of Siamese Cats 73
- Raw Feeding or Commercial Food 74
- Chapter Seven: Showing Your Siamese Cat 78
- CFA Breeding Standards 85
- The Thai Cat – TICA Standard 95
- Chapter Eight: Breeding Your Siamese Cats 98
- Siamese Cat Breeding Information 99
- Chapter Nine: Keeping Your Siamese Cat Healthy 105
- Siamese Cat Care Sheet 112
- Basic Siamese Cat Information 114
- Basic Nutritional Information 115
- Breeding Information 116
- Index 118
- Photo Credits 122
- References 124