- Introduction 1
- Glossary of Tarantula Terms 2
- Chapter One: Understanding Tarantulas 5
- Facts About Tarantulas 6
- Summary of Tarantula Facts 7
- Basic Tarantula Information 7
- Origin and Distribution 8
- Chapter Two: Things to Know Before Getting a Tarantula 11
- Do You Need a License? 12
- How Many Tarantulas Should You Keep? 13
- Do Tarantulas Get Along with Other Pets? 14
- How Much Does it Cost to Keep a Tarantula? 15
- What are the Pros and Cons of Keeping Tarantulas as Pets 17
- Pros for the Tarantula 18
- Cons for the Tarantula 18
- Chapter Three: Ten Best Tarantula Pets for Beginners 21
- 1. Chilean Rose (Grammostola rosea) 22
- 2. Mexican Redleg (Brachypelma smithi) 24
- 3. Mexican Redknee (Brachypelma smithi) 25
- 4. Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) 26
- 5. Pink Zebra Beauty (Eualaestrus campestratus) 28
- 6. Costa Rican Zebra (Aphonoplema seemanni) 30
- 7. Pinktoe Tarantula (Avicularia versicolor) 31
- 8. Green Bottle Blue Tarantula (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens) 33
- 9. Brazilian Black Tarantula (Grammostola pulchra) 35
- 10. Chaco Golden Knee (Grammostola pulchripes) 37
- Chapter Four: Purchasing Your Tarantula 39
- How to Choose a Reputable Tarantula Breeder 40
- Tips for Selecting a Healthy Tarantula 42
- Chapter Five: Caring for Your New Tarantula 47
- Setting up the Tarantula Habitat 48
- Temperature and Humidity Requirements 51
- Keeping Your Tarantula Happy and Healthy 52
- Chapter Six: Feeding Your Tarantula 55
- The Basics of a Tarantula’s Diet 56
- Gut Loading Crickets 57
- Tips for Feeding Your Tarantula 58
- Chapter Seven: Tarantula Handling and Temperament 61
- Tarantula Temperament 62
- Tips for Handling Tarantulas 64
- Behavioral Characteristics of Tarantulas 66
- Defensive Mechanisms 67
- Feeding 68
- Spinning Silk 69
- Molting 69
- Sexual Maturity among Males 70
- Chapter Eight: Breeding Your Tarantula 71
- Learning Basic Tarantula Breeding Information 73
- Sexing Tarantulas 75
- Tips for Breeding Tarantulas 77
- Raising Tarantula Spiderlings 81
- Chapter Nine: Keeping Your Tarantula Healthy 89
- Common Conditions Affecting Tarantulas 91
- Dehydration 91
- Losing a leg 93
- Bleeding and injuries 94
- Bad molting 95
- Internal infection from mold and fungus 96
- Parasites 97
- Tarantula Care Sheet 99
- 1.) Basic Tarantula Information 100
- 2.) Habitat Requirements 101
- 3.) Feeding and Diet 102
- 4.) Breeding Information 102
- Index 105
- Photo Credits 111
- References 113