- Introduction 1
- Chapter One: Vizsla Dog Facts and Descriptions 3
- Facts About Vizsla Dogs 3
- Summary of Vizsla Facts 6
- Vizsla Breed History 8
- Chapter Two: Choosing and Acquiring a Vizsla Dog 11
- Where to Look For Vizsla Dogs? 11
- Breeders 11
- Rescues 13
- Puppies or Adult? 14
- Picking the Right Dog 15
- Locating a Reputable Breeder 18
- Questions to Ask a Reputable Breeder 19
- Chapter Three: Preparing for Your Vizsla Dog 23
- Essential Tools and Supplies 23
- Puppy Proofing Your Home 25
- Chapter Four: Feeding Your Vizsla Dog 29
- Vital Nutrients 29
- Protein 30
- Fat 31
- Carbohydrates 32
- Water 33
- Vitamins and Minerals 33
- What Is a Balanced Diet? 35
- Choosing Dog Food 36
- Canned Food 38
- Dry Food 39
- Frozen and Semi-Moist Food 40
- Understanding the Label 41
- Homemade and Raw Diets 44
- Commercial Dog Foods 45
- How and When to Feed 47
- Supplements 48
- Treat Talk 49
- Foods To Avoid 50
- Obesity 52
- Chapter Five: Grooming Your Vizsla Dog 53
- Use a Groomer or Do It Yourself? 54
- Grooming Supplies 55
- Brushing and Combing 56
- Removing Mats 57
- Bathing 57
- Bathing Essentials 58
- The Dog Wash 59
- Cleaning Ears 59
- Clipping Toenails 60
- Handling His Feet 61
- Trimming Your Vizsla’s Toenails 61
- Dental Hygiene 62
- Brushing Your Vizsla’s Teeth 62
- The Need for Dentist 63
- Dental Problems 64
- Anal Sacs 65
- Removing Skunk Odor 65
- Removing Sticky Substances 66
- Chapter Six: Training and Behavior Modification 69
- Obedience Training 69
- How to Teach a Dog to Sit 70
- How to Teach the Dog to Come 71
- “Lie Down” Command 72
- Train the “No” Command 74
- Train Your Dog To “Stay.” 75
- Train Your Dog To “Get Off.” 76
- The “Leave It” Command 77
- Potty Training 77
- Crate Training 80
- Unwanted Behavior 82
- Your Dog’s Instinctive Response to Authority 82
- Dog Training for Desired Behaviors 84
- Your Dog’s Motivation for Behaving Badly 86
- Refusing to Come when Called 87
- Eliminating Biting Behaviors 90
- Preventing Biting and Mouthing 90
- Using Trust to Prevent Biting 92
- Eliminating Bad Habits 92
- Whining, Howling and Excessive Barking 93
- Problem Chewing 95
- Jumping On People 96
- Straining and Pulling at the Leash 97
- Escaping and Roaming 99
- Socializing 101
- 1. With Other Dogs and Pets 102
- 2. With Other People 105
- 3. Within Different Environments 106
- 4. Loud Noises 107
- Chapter Seven: Vet Care for Your Vizsla Dog 111
- Spaying and Neutering 112
- Vaccinations 114
- Performing Health Check 115
- Checking the Head 115
- Checking the Body 116
- How to Take Your Dog’s Temperature 117
- Common Illnesses and Injuries 118
- When Do You Need to Visit the Vet? 118
- Allergies 119
- Cuts, Scrapes, and Foxtails 123
- Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Lack of Appetite 124
- Lumps and Bumps 126
- Orthopedic Problems 129
- Eye Diseases 132
- Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia (TVD) 134
- Epilepsy 134
- Emergencies 135
- First-Aid Kit 135
- How to Muzzle Your Vizsla 137
- Does Your Vizsla Need CPR? 138
- How to Move an Injured Dog 141
- Dealing with Emergencies 142
- Chapter Eight: Showing Your Vizsla Dog 153
- Vizsla Breed Standards 154
- What to Know Before You Show 156
- Preparing Your Dog for Show 157
- Chapter Nine: Breeding Your Vizsla Dog 159
- The Breeding Process 159
- Sexual Problems In Dogs 162
- Few Precautions To Take 165
- Health Factors To Consider Before Mating 167
- Weaning 169
- Food 170
- Conclusion 171
- Glossary of Terms 173
- Index 179
- Photo Credits 187
- References 189