“Very informative!”
Even for some one like me that owns 3 rabbits already! I love that this book gives you descriptions about each angora breed. Due to this information I’ve definitely chosen the type of Angoras I will keep!

“An Informative Read”
This book gives a great deal of information about the angora rabbit and the pros and cons of raising them. It was a good help in my process of deciding what type of rabbits we will eventually raise on our hobby farm.

“Very basic introduction”
A fair basic introduction to Angora rabbit care. Most of the photos are of Lionheads and other non-Angora breeds.

“Informative Book”
I was doing research into buying and taking care of a bunny which I was fairly clueless about. I wanted to know what their needs are and how much care they take. I also would need to introduce it or them to my two dogs. I got all the information I needed to make an educated decision not to get rabbits right now. If I had decided to, I would have probably gotten a more detailed book about their care. I possibly like more information than many people do. This may be enough for some owners along with instructions from their veterinarian.

“Great guide to Lionhead rabbits!”

“Great Information”
We adopted to Lop Rabbits and this book was very informative and full of great information!

“Wonderful book for fans of the Netherland dwarf rabbit”
Wonderful book, chock full of details and trivia for fans of the beautiful and noble Netherland dwarf rabbit.