Lolly Brown
I love to write books about pets. My books are written for everyone in an easy to read and understandable style. Some of my other titles available on Amazon (and various other fine book retailers) are “Kennel Cough” (ISBN 978-0-9896584-0-9 – “Axolotl” (ISBN 978-0-989658-43-0) – “Wallaby and Wallaroo Care” (ISBN 978-1-941070-03-1) – “Rats, Mice, and Dormice As Pets” (ISBN 978-1-941070-07-9 – “Saltwater Fish As Pets” (ISBN 978-0-989658-46-1)…. and many more to come! Many of my titles are also available for Kindle on Amazon and as digital eBooks from various online retailers.
Lolly Brown
Latest Books
Wallaby and Wallaroo Care: A Complete Owner’s Guide
A Complete Owner’s Guide: Raising, Breeding, Facts, Habitat, Diet, Care, Health, and Where to Buy All included.
Rats, Mice, and Dormice as Pets: The Complete Owner’s Guide
The Complete Owner’s Guide. Care, health, keeping, raising, training, food, costs, where to buy, breeding, and much more all included!
Eels As Pets: A Complete Guide
A Complete Guide. Where to buy, species, aquarium, supplies, diet, care, tank setup, and more!
Axolotl: Facts & Information
A Complete Pet Owner’s Guide. Axolotl care, tanks, habitat, diet, buying, life span, food, cost, breeding, regeneration, health, medical research, fun facts, and more all included.
Blog Updates

Guide to Caring for Axolotls
Axolotls require proper care to help them grow healthy. If you want to raise them but are new to caring for axolotls, it is important to keep yourself educated.
Axolotls are a type of salamander that is native to Mexico. They spend all of their life in the water and never step out into the land. They do not require a lot of care to grow and develop; however, the living conditions must be right to keep them healthy. To be specific, you need to maintain the proper living condition for axolotls such as regulating the water temperature and water flow inside the tank.
The Best Turtle Food Brand for your Pet Wood Turtle
Feeding your pet could be a difficult task; you may not know how much is too much for it. Wood turtles will not give you obvious signs that it wants food. Rather, you need to allot time and effort to learn the feeding habits of your pet, or better, create a definite...
Want to be an Exotic Pet Owner?
There has been a rise in exotic pet ownership; and one that has been making a mark is one of the most fascinating amphibians there is to exist, Axolotls. They have come to be labeled as “Mexican walking fish”. And is very famous for its unique unreal characteristics....
What Diseases Are Abyssinian Cats Prone To?
What diseases are Abyssinian cats prone to? Before we talk about the health issues they face, Abyssinian cats are quite a special breed. They are the type of kitties that can sense their owner’s mood. They are generally curious pets and the...