Are Siamese cats good pets? All Siamese cats of today can trace their lineage back to the original cats shipped in from the exotic lands of Thailand. Are Siamese cats good pets? You will discover that the first recorded Siamese cat to reach Western shores was given the moniker “Siam” taken from the name of the land from which it hailed. Are Siamese cats good pets? You’ll get to know more about its beginnings in Western shores; and how it was developed to the present day feline we have come to recognize and adore.
An Important Breed
Siamese cats have been playing a vital role in the production of many other breeds; that are present today in our modern society. It has played an important role in the initial breeding stages of some of the best loved cats we see today; and continues to play a role of importance in the production of some of the most sought after felines that people seek.
Siamese Cats Traits
Are Siamese cats good pets? The Siamese cat is an expressively vocal feline who can be quite opinionated and talkative. They are the sort who will not hold back on telling you exactly what is on their minds. Siamese cats are experts in gaining your attention using their loud, raspy voice as their tool to get your attention. Siamese cats require you to pay them mind when talked to and for you to act according to their advice.

Clingy Cat
This breed of cats has a strong tendency to attach themselves to their human caregivers; often building a strong bond with one person particularly. The Siamese is extremely “helpful” and may think itself to be your assistant; shadowing your every move around the household and supervising your movements and activities around the house. It is a sort that will enjoy downtime sitting on your lap whilst you relax and lounge. The Siamese is the sort that would climb into bed with you; and get under the sheets and stake its claim on a space of your shared pillow.
Chattery Pet
If you are the sort who does not enjoy back-talk or chatter; the Siamese cat may not be the companion you seek. On the flip side, if you find pleasure in chatter, conversation and company as the day progresses; the Siamese cat will instantly win a place in your heart and will soon be your best friend. Make certain that you factor in essential quality time with it as the Siamese is known not only to be a very sociable feline but a demanding one too.
Don’t Leave Them Alone!
Are Siamese cats good pets? The Siamese cat will not be pleased if it is left on its own for extended periods of time. So if you are set on acquiring a Siamese cat; make sure that there is someone left at home during your absence to keep it company. Many Siamese cat guardians smartly opt to take in two Siamese cats so that the cats can keep each other company during periods of the day when the caregiver is away.
This feline from the shores of Thailand is known to be highly intelligent. It is athletic, very agile, and playfully frisky. Keep your Siamese cat’s brain active, engaged and busy by utilizing puzzle toys during playtime. Be part of an assist in its daily physical exercise regimen by employing teaser toys that the feline can chase around the house. Provide it a big cat tree which it can clamber onto and jump off of, for an all-around, good workout.
The Siamese is a naturally curious feline who will venture into the house looking for adventure; or mischief if you do not pay mind to leaving him some kind of constructive distraction (like the leaving TV switched on; leaving a mechanical toy that it can play with) whilst you are out. Failure to do so may result in rolls of toilet paper unrolled and scattered around your home.
Make playtime a time for you and your Siamese cat to bond and catch up. Remember that the Siamese cat thrives on the attention and company of its guardians; and will want nothing more than to spend some much needed one-on-one interaction with you.
If you are in strong consideration of a Siamese cat; you will need to factor in making time for the cat in your daily schedule. If you are the kind of person who is required to fly out of town at a moment’s notice; you may want to rethink getting a Siamese cat, unless you are prepared and willing to spend a considerable amount of money paying pet hotels and pet sitters.
Sociable Siamese Cat

Are Siamese cats good pets? Renowned for their utterly sociable nature and demeanor, Siamese cats are highly intelligent and openly affectionate to caregivers and other pets alike. They are described and characterized as extroverts who immensely enjoy being surrounded by the company of people. They are known to build strong bonds with one person and its loyalty is apparent through this union. The Siamese cat is an extremely vocal feline with a loud; low-pitched tone known as the “Meezer” – a word from which one of its nicknames is from derived. Its voice has been likened to the crying of a human baby and demands attention with persistence.
Active Pets
The Siamese cat is naturally playful and quite active even into adulthood. They are often chronicled to display behavior resembling that of a dog more than it is likened to other felines. If left alone for an extended period of time; Siamese cats may be prone to cat-blues and bouts of feline depression. This is why Siamese cats are often bought in twos – the benefits are not only to police the other but it is also one way to stave off boredom; and to keep each other company whilst their caregiver is away.
An Overall Nice Cat
Are Siamese cats good pets? Siamese cats integrate easily with loving support and gentle introduction with other felines and cat-friendly canines. If you are in strong consideration of welcoming a pet into your household; the Siamese cat is definitely one feline you would want to consider given its inclination to make friends easily. Its loyalty is unmatched; and you will soon realize that the Siamese will possibly favor one particular person in the family but will get along with everyone.