Capybara Pet Care Tips

Capybara Pet Care Tips

Capybara pet care is pretty similar to care for most types of rodent pets, such as guinea pigs, except from the fact that capybaras are significantly larger, which means they steps, methods and procedures are done on a larger scale. As with other animals, they have...
Capybara Life Cycle

Capybara Life Cycle

Capybaras can reach up to 1.4 meters long and weighs around 75kg; which about the same size of a large dog breed; making them the largest rodent in the world. Despite their gigantic size however; they’re quite good swimmers. They have adapted well to aquatic...
Capybaras Diet and Habitat

Capybaras Diet and Habitat

Capybaras are large rodents belonging to the genus of Hydrochoerus; where the only existing member is the Hydrochoerus isthmius better known as “lesser capybaras.” Native to South America; capybaras are the largest rodents in the world and actually related to guinea...
What Should I Feed My Pet Capybara?

What Should I Feed My Pet Capybara?

One of the better ways to know what to feed an exotic animal. This especially those with not much information about domesticating on the internet; is to know what NOT to feed them; and from there, you can pretty much narrow your options. For young capybaras; their...
Capybara information

Capybara information

Capybara Animal Profile Capybara information: It’s scientific name is “Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris”, but they are given many different names in Central and South America. Some of the most common names are chiguiree, capivara, caprincho and ronsoco. In the past,...

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