How Do Wallabies Sleep?
How do wallabies sleep? Wallabies sleep in a horizontal position just like us. A sleeping wallabies is lying on the ground on its side with its forelimbs supporting its head. Wallabies are mainly nocturnal animals which means they are the types that sleep during the...
How a Mother Wallaby Care for Her Joey
How a mother wallaby care for her joey? A baby wallaby is 100% reliant on adult caring take care of its survival. We keep track of the growth of our baby in mom’s bag and constantly scrub mother’s stomach; as well as baby as it grows. How a mother wallaby...
How to Care for Bennett Wallabies
How to care for Bennett wallabies? The initial choice you will make after making a decision to take on an infant Wallaby is whether to take on a little female or a little male. This is a personal choice; as well as there are lots of elements which may trigger you to...