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There’s something about the Corgi breed that draws people to them. You may notice whenever you’re going to do a corgi puppy training their cute looking physique; bunny butt, stumpy legs, their dish ears, etc., and perhaps this is what makes them attractive as pets. However, what most people forgot is the challenges that they will bring during corgi puppy training. Don’t just fall in love with their looks, make sure that you and your family can handle their temperament and attitude; otherwise, it can have serious consequences if you’re not aware. Corgis often surprise uneducated keepers when it comes to their personality. This breed will often do what they were bred to do, and that does not usually coincide with the keeper’s expectations. In this article, you’ll learn how you can handle and do corgi puppy training. 

The corgi breed is generally stubby and adorable, thanks to their short stature. However, they are fairly difficult dogs to keep which is why it’s best that you do the corgi puppy training right at the onset. Unfortunately, they don’t make good dogs for first time owners or the perhaps the unprepared. For instance, if you’re someone who’s used to the personality of Labradoodles or Golden Retrievers, or the popular “family dog”, then you will likely struggle with a Corgi.

Corgi Puppy Training: The Herding Breed

Corgis are bred to become herders or herding dogs. When it comes to herding, many people only think of a sheep. What’s surprising is that through the years, corgis were bred to herd not just sheep but much tougher and bigger animals, we’re talking about cattle, and corgis take a hands – on – approach in doing such task. Unlike the Border Collie breed which is also bred to herd sheep through stalking and eyeing them, the Corgis control the herd in a much barbaric way – through barking, chasing and biting them. This kind of attitude and behavior is instinctual even in Corgis that haven’t herded in generations. Needless to say, “it runs in their blood.” This is what can make corgi puppy training quite challenging for new keepers.  

Herding requires a level of cleverness. The breed must be able to have a mind of its own, work independently and determine the best course of action in a constantly changing environment, accomplish goals as a team, and solve “herding problems” among other tasks.  

Corgis have the intellect to do the following behavior:

  • Corgis are quite stubborn and that’s because they know what they want and how to get it.
  • They are not the kind of dogs that can be pushed around.
  • They’re tough dogs that can work independently and can’t be controlled in a way.
  • They’re highly intelligent and perceptive, so they will try to manipulate you and others to bend to their will, but are usually just stubborn with the hopes of wearing you down.
  • Corgis don’t do things simply because you want them to do it. They’re still a trainable breed, but they’re not going to budge if they don’t think they’re getting appropriately compensated.
  • If you give Corgis an inch, it will try its best to take a mile. This is why it’s very important to establish rules during corgi puppy training. Consistency is vital to a well-behaved Corgi dog and they thrive on it. If you give in once, the Corgi will always test your boundaries and see how far you’re willing to let them go. Keep in mind, these dogs were bred to stand up to a thousand pounds of angry cow, and keep a whole herd in line. Needless to say, they aren’t going to just give up easily against an adult – especially not a master that has proven itself to be unreliable especially when enforcing corgi puppy training rules.

Corgis have a tendency to herd everything in their ways such as other household pets, toddlers/ children, and even you. This means that they may nip and bite in an attempt to get you to go where they want you to go.

This kind of aggressive behavior is the downside of their herding heritage, but is usually an unpleasant surprise for new Corgi owners. When you bring a Corgi home, you must prepare to deal with such behavior and you should start corgi puppy training as soon as possible. You need to also remind your children or your guests, and have a plan in place to teach your Corgi that certain actions are unacceptable inside the house.

The herding instinct also manifests itself in play through barking at things that move, aren’t moving, or in general aren’t doing what the Corgi wants them to do. If being quiet is your may concern from a dog, then you may want to consider a different breed because you’ll never get a Corgi to behave like other lap dogs. At the dog park, a Corgi may run around and bark at other dogs.

You can also expect this pet to bark when playing soccer with the family, or when doing any other activity that may simulate herding. Corgis are watchful dogs too, and they will bark when they feel it is necessary to alert the family. You and the Corgi will often disagree on things that require alerting; doorbells, keys, and movement outside are all typical barking triggers.

Corgis are very vocal even when nothing is happening and they usually grumbles, mumbles, and moans for no reason, or maybe they’re just trying to get your attention.

The Corgi personality is overwhelming for many first – time dog owners, particularly those that expect the Corgi to be something it isn’t. The key to raising a good Corgi is to be more stubborn than the dog on things that matter, and hopefully, you can train them to compromise on things that don’t.

Corgis can turn into quite an undesirable creature in the wrong hands, but they can be amazing pets, and phenomenal little dogs when they’re properly cared for. This breed is also keen at reading body language and they are very sensitive to correction, especially from someone they respect and trust like their master.

Still, they are kind and gentle with people. As a matter of fact, it is fairly easy to have a conversation with a Corgi since their large ears are very expressive and their faces hide no emotions. A well – mannered Corgi is a delightful mixture of self – serving eagerness to please its human master provided that you do the corgi puppy training right.

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