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How to properly feed your Savannah cat? Maintaining proper nutrition for your Savannah cat is one of the most important yet complex aspects of cat ownership. Oftentimes, keepers don’t understand how much diet affects a cat’s behavior, health, and even longevity. How to properly feed your Savannah cat? Never neglect proper feeding schedules and amounts of water intake. As a responsible keeper, it’s your duty to make sure that their food intake is controlled. How to properly feed your Savannah cat? Proper nutrition for this breed is essential for their overall health and heart development. There are certain types of food that can be good and bad for them.

A Balanced Diet

How to properly feed your Savannah cat? Feline pets just like humans also need a healthy diet to thrive. Feeding your Savannah cat the wrong food could definitely lead to a health disaster. Knowing the proper amount needed by your pet is best determined by your veterinarian. If you’ve already bought some cat food; but are not sure if it is good for your cat, bring the cat food to your vet to have its nutritional values assessed. Cats whether they are kittens or adults need a balance amount of minerals, vitamins, protein, enzymes, fatty acids and water.


First stop is the most important of all – water. Cats have low levels of thirst because they can fulfill much of their water requirements by eating fresh, raw food. This is why cats that eat dry food often have more health issues than those who eat wet cat food. Cats that lack water in their body end up getting dehydrated and usually have urine that is too concentrated. Make sure to always prepare fresh and clean drinking water for your pet. And if ever you feel that they are not drinking enough; you can get cat drinking fountains that mimic the experience of drinking from running water.


How to properly feed your Savannah cat? Every cat needs a great amount of protein in their body. Your pet can get a good supply of this from meat since plant sources do not supply Taurine; which is an essential amino acid that cats need. If your cat lacks Taurine; this can lead to health issues so make sure to include protein – rich food in their diet. Another important nutrient is vitamins. It is important to household pets as it is for us humans. Vitamins provide good metabolism and also contributes to normal growth and bodily functions.


Another important nutrient that your cat needs on a daily basis is essential fatty acids. This nutrient can’t be gain from plant sources; which again justifies why a cat’s diet needs to be composed of meat. These nutrients are involved with metabolism functions and cell integrity in a cat’s body. Another essential is antioxidants; and enzymes can be found in healthy food sources for cats as these can help protect their body from free radicals that can damage the cells.

How to properly feed your Savannah cat? Last but not the least are minerals are involved in most of a cat’s physiological reactions like enzyme formulation, oxygen transportation; and nutrient utilization.

Cat Feeding Tips

How to properly feed your Savannah cat? Feeding your pet dry cat food is okay, as long as it is balanced. It could be better to ration the food rather than to free – feed. If your cat only eats dry food; make sure to encourage it to drink much water to avoid developing kidney stones. On the other hand wet food or canned food is always a good choice; but make sure to exercise control over the amount your cat eats since this type of food is more palatable than dry food; this can cause our cat to overeat.

Tip #1

According to veterinarians, mixing dry and wet food to make meals more appealing is not bad. However, you got to make sure that you don’t go over the ideal calorie intake of your cat. Make sure to consult your vet for the right amount of food intake.

Tip #2

When it comes to toxic food, somehuman foods are toxic to cats. This include chocolates and drinks especially with caffeine, dairy products such as butter and milk, garlic , onion, raw dough, alcohol, raisins, grapes, dog food; and the likes.

Tip #3

When it comes to frequency of meals, you’d be surprised to know; that kittens need more food for development than adult cats. Usually, kittens up to 6 months of age may require being fed 3 meals per day, while most cats over 6 months of age will do fine with just 2 meals per day. Once your cat reaches 7 years old, you may feed them once a day and maintain that routine.

Tip #4

How to properly feed your Savannah cat? Homemade food is an option by pet owners to make sure that the cat will have adequate water; and you will have full control over all of the things you will put there. On the other hand, if you are a very busy person, the conventional commercial premium food is often convenient and often cheaper.

The choice heavily relies on your preference. However, if you give raw meat; the risk is that meat might contain parasites that will be harmful to your pet’s body. On the other hand, cooked meat will lose some of its nutrients because of the processing. We highly recommend that you could try a combination of the two.

Keep Your Savannah Cat Healthy

How to properly feed your Savannah cat? The health of your Savannah cat is perhaps the most important thing you need to focus on because this will give you benefits in the long run. Think about it, if your pet is healthy, you don’t need to pay for medical bills and you will also save time and effort of constantly taking vet trips. You will also save your cat from pain and you’re going to lessen the risk of them catching any major illnesses.

However, keep in mind that good health comes with a price. You need to provide the needed vaccines, spay/ neuter them, maintain their hygiene through grooming and go for vet routine checkups to ensure that your cat is at its best health.

Annual Vaccines

How to properly feed your Savannah cat? When it comes to annual vaccinations, as costly as it may sound, you need to vaccine your cat especially when you got it in a very young stage. Remember, the mother may have given antibodies to prevent common diseases, but these are not enough. Your cat needs additional protection against common ailments.

At around six to eight weeks old, core vaccines are needed, especially for feline distemper, feline calicivirus, and feline rhinotracheitis. You also need to ask your vet if you need to have a vaccine against chlamydia. The core vaccines must be given every three to four weeks, and the final kitten vaccinations should be given at 14 to 16 weeks of age. At around ten to twelve weeks old, second vaccinations of the core vaccines are required.

You may also ask your vet about the feline leukaemia. Then when your pet hits twelve to sixteen weeks old you should already have your pet rabies shot. Third round of vaccination of core vaccines are needed for fourteen to sixteen weeks old kittens.

Vet Exams

As for vet exams, they usually like to perform the examination in their own ways, especially with the parts that they are examining. It doesn’t matter where they begin, as long as they will examine everything. Remember, this vet examination is done every time you go to the vet. When you schedule your pet for a vet exam, what you can do to help during the process is to calm down your Savannah cat or keep him/ her quiet during a physical examination, especially when the vet is using a stethoscope. Talking during the examination will lead to interruption of your vet’s concentration and could interfere with the thoroughness.

How to properly feed your Savannah cat? You can also ask questions and suggestions after the cat’s examination. Questions like if you need to examine your cat at home, what signs are you looking for when examining the cat, how to tell if your cat is overweight or underweight, and what solutions can be done to alleviate the health issue if any can be helpful for you.

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