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How to tame aggressive ball python? The ball python breed is perhaps the most docile breed of snakes; this is why they have been regarded as the most – friendly pet snake especially for beginners. However, keep in mind that they can still bite especially if they are stressed out. How to tame aggressive ball python? If it’s your first time getting bitten by a snake; don’t worry because ball pythons are not that huge of a threat. They somewhat know when they made a mistake. Wounds are superficial, and you might even notice it after a day or two. Of course, that being said, you still don’t want to get bitten. One major cause of snake biting is stress and wrong handling. In this article, you’ll learn how to tame aggressive ball python?

Tips on How to Tame Your Ball Python

Tip #1

How to tame aggressive ball python? Ball pythons should be fed at least once or twice a week depending on how large of a meal you feed them; and their current age. But keep in mind that it’s best you don’t handle them after feeding. What most breeders agree on is that you should give it at least 2 days before trying to handle them again. Otherwise, your ball python can end up regurgitating the meal you fed them due to stress. This can cause some aggression on their part if you keep doing this.

Tip #2

Some ball pythons can become quite aggressive due to a sudden change of environment. Bringing your pet snake to a new surrounding can be quite stressful for them; because they are like moving into a new house. You need to give them time to properly adjust to their new habitat which also means, you don’t handle them just yet. Ball pythons don’t bite as much compared to other snake breeds since they are classified as generally docile. According to some breeders; the time that they got bitten by their ball pythons is during the first few days or week after being brought to the new home.

Ball pythons can become quite aggressive and defensive because they don’t know yet what their new surrounding could bring. Their guard is up because they have that predator – instinct mode which can be useful in the wild. New sights and smell can mean stress which can result to aggression.

What you can do is to leave them alone for a few days; and let them settle down and know their enclosure before starting to handle them.

Tip #3

How to tame aggressive ball python? Another instance when ball pythons show an aggressive behavior is when you feed them. It’s also recommended that you don’t handle them the day you plan to offer food because if you do; they are more likely to refuse the food for some reason. It diminishes their appetite. However, depending on the time of the year, you may find your ball python having an increased feeding response.

For instance; if you have a female ball python and she is pregnant, you can expect that she will have an increased appetite especially during follicular development. There will also be a time if the ball python is pregnant; that when they smell rats or meat in the area; they will try to get out of their enclosure so try to be very careful when opening their cage; and be aware of this.

Tip #4

If it’s your first time breeding ball pythons, then you will surely see that baby ball pythons are docile when they come out of their eggs. After a few weeks, the babies will go into their shedding phase; and after that, you can expect their behavior to change a lot. Needless to say, they become quite aggressive and will strike at everything that moves – that includes your fingers! But this is normal and how breeders would want them so that do not turn into problem feeders.

After feeding them, you can expect the baby ball pythons to calm down; and not become aggressive for a period of time. They will start to be tame and adapt the usual ball python docile trait.

According to some keepers, aggressiveness in snakes can be genetic. You could have ball pythons that are somewhat aggressive while some can be docile; so it depends on the parent breed. The best thing you can do is to not handle the hatching baby snake unless you already fed them a few times already.

Tip #5

How to tame aggressive ball python? When it comes to taming ball pythons, the right approach is the best way to not get bitten. If you want to handle your pet, then you need to follow some tips to avoid their signature ball python strike – they don’t have one!

When handling them, don’t pick them up on their head. That’s a sure way to get bitten. If you’re getting them out of their cage, you can try removing the hide or some ornaments before pulling them out so you can get a proper overview of their position. Pick them on their body and tail area, not the head.

Another thing you need to keep in mind is that if after you try picking them up and they hesitate, don’t push it otherwise you will get bitten eventually. And this will also stress your pet snake. Leave them be and try another time.

Signs of Aggression

How to tame aggressive ball python? There are a few tell – tale signs if your ball python is in aggressive mode. The first one is you will see them slightly lift their body and head up. You might notice them trying to buff themselves up to look large and lift their body to have an elevated breathing rate. They might also hiss.

What you need to look out for is that if their body is forming an S shape. That usually means they’re in defense and can be ready to strike anytime.

The best approach when trying to handle your snake is to not come from above – that’s a predator move. And as a snake, their instinct is to become defensive and/ or strike. In the wild, the number one enemy of snakes is birds which is why their species come to fear them. If you swing your hand fast for a couple of time above its head, you will notice your ball python to get stressed out or go into defensive mode. This is their natural instinct to protect them from possible predators like birds.

The Ultimate Constrictor

How to tame aggressive ball python? Ball Pythons will have unique and individual character traits that the keeper will become familiar with after years of familiarity, there are common behaviors among all Ball Pythons that can be used as a guide in reading the python’s activities and conduct.

Ball Pythons do not attack humans, and they ball up their bodies instead of fighting when provoked. Females, however, do show some protectiveness over their eggs and thus should be treated with more care. Ball Pythons, like most pythons, are constrictors – using their sharp, backward-curving teeth, they will grasp the prey to restrain it, and then wrap it around with coils.  They do not usually crush their prey to death, as opposed to contrary beliefs – they simple asphyxiate their prey so that they may eat it easily. 

Ambush Predators

The juveniles of this species like smaller places. They get extremely agitated and stressed if their enclosure is too big for them. Ball pythons sometimes stop eating because they are daunted by the large space. They are shyer as well and would have to be gently coaxed to be properly handled. Small enclosures make them feel secure.

They are ambush predators. They avoid detection, seek cover, and wait for their prey. Their hiding skills involve camouflage – which works very well in their natural savannah and grassland habitats – and, of course, curling up into a ball. Pythons have infrared-sensitive receptors in deep grooves in their snout, which allows them to “see” the radiated heat of warm-blooded prey.  They use their forked tongues to both “smell” and taste – thus allowing them to track their prey – the tongues collect airborne particles which are passed on to the Jacobson’s organ in the mouth for examination.  They can also perceive movement through their undersides, which are sensitive to vibrations in the ground.


How to tame aggressive ball python? The best thing you can do to tame your ball python and not get bitten is to limit handling them. Snakes in general are not like your usual cat or dog that wants to be petted. They usually prefer to be left alone and not handle too much. Don’t try to handle them when they’re shedding and just follow the tips above. A few times a week of handling will do, just so they can feel that you’re there caring for them and they are in a safe place.

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