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Teacup Yorkie is among one of the smallest dogs to exist. These kinds of dogs are well – loved because of their cute size; but more importantly, their bright, lively, inquisitive, friendly; and extremely lovable disposition. You’ll melt in their cuteness, too! Thanks to their long coats, these pooches are also one of the most sought-after pets for their endearing looks. And if you ever are eyeing caring for a teacup yorkie; a great way of preparing is to be fully educated on health considerations present in this dog breed. You’re already researching, and you are in the right place. Below are the top 5 health risks present in small dogs, especially for delicate teacup yorkies.


IVDD, or medically named Intervertebral Disc Disease; is the most common problem for small dog breeds, as they age or either due to their conformation. It is specifically common in chondrodysplastic breeds, or those of which have long backs and short curved legs. In this condition, the vertebrae of the spine are cushioned as they have discs between them. If these discs rupture, herniate or unfortunately come into contact with the spinal cord; it then leads to a number of clinical signs and symptoms. The most common of which is stiffness and pain in the neck as well as the backs of your small canines.

This condition can lead to inability to walk or run, an uncomfortable odd gait during movement; weakness manifesting in the limbs, and in more severe cases, paralysis can grow. Treatments of IVDD are crate rest, medications as well as lifestyle modifications for both the owners and the affected dog. If the case is severe and persistent, surgery may be demanded. The treatment plan is with consideration of many factors such as weight and overall general wellness of the dog; as well as age and the severity of the disorder. 

Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome 

BAC is a medical term used to denote airway conditions along with respiratory that are commonly seen in brachycephalic breeds. Brachycephalic needs have short noses that are flat that are responsible for creating breathing issues. 

It is a genetic condition, but it can manifest because of obesity, allergies, over-excitement as well as hot weather. There are a variety of respiratory challenges that come under this heading; including upper airway obstruction, narrow nasal passages together with an elongated soft palate in the mouth. For signs and symptoms; small dogs experiencing this will have rapid breathing, excessive panting, making noise when breathing, excessive snoring; challenged eating, and in some rare circumstances, collapsing. Severe cases of BAC require medical treatment, and it is generally surgery. There also exist preventative surgical options. Finally, mild cases can be managed without any costly medical intervention, but with effective lifestyle changes. 


Next health consideration you need to be aware of is Ectropion. This is a common eye condition from when the eyelids droop down; and the pink tissues under the white of the eye become visible. This is rather a genetic condition but can also be a symptom of underlying diseases and disorders. 

This condition brings in symptoms of discomfort, pawing at the eye, extreme irritation; brown tear staring below the eyes together with protruding bottom eyelids. In mild occurrences of this condition comes treatment in the form of eye drops and ointments. For more severe cases, or recurrent mild cases of ectropion comes in surgical intervention. 


This condition can affect dogs of any size, but is still, more prevalent in small dogs, including Teacup Yorkie. Pancreatitis is a condition of which causes the pancreas to become swollen and inflamed. Moreover, the enzymes that are normally utilized for digestion leak into the dog’s abdomen. These enzymes then succeeding break down the fats and proteins of the pancreas; along with other surrounding organs such as the liver and kidneys. 

There are a number of symptoms that can be linked to pancreatitis; and these are abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and upset appetite. The treatment for this condition varies greatly from one dog to another, as it must consider the severity of the condition. In general, however, it is approached by fluid therapy and medical supplements. The diet then is modified to a low-fat veterinary-approved diet; and from then Pancreatitis will be under the supervision of a vet. 

Patellar Luxation 

Second to the last medical consideration to look out for is Patellar luxation. This is a condition where the kneecap moves out of the groove in which it is predisposed to sit. It is a genetic disorder, and you can usually spot it early in your pooch;’s life. It has varying degrees of pain and severity, from Grade 1 to Grade 4. 

On spotting patellar luxation, look out for a limp, or the awkward gait and stiffness. Moreover, you can also see your dog showing occasional pain and discomfort in his leg; and seek veterinary care immediately after that. The treatments are also varying as it must be in respect to grades. Grade 1 is usually approached with medications and effective, sustainable weight management. Grade 3 and 4are more severe, meaning surgical interventions may be demanded. 

Dental issues

Small dog breeds are prone to certain dental issues. They can have tartar and plaque build-up, in the same manner, which they can also have periodontal disease. Furthermore, another issue is overcrowding of teeth where your dog’s teeth are misplaced, or there exist extra ones. 

With these types of problems, it can be managed with regular teeth cleanings; a healthy diet as well as administering of hew toys. Other dental issues may also need surgical interventions, most likely, tooth removal. Dental issues are tricky, as most dogs do not show symptoms, but you must pay attention to when your dog is head shy when he leaves some blood on his toys, or if he is ever reluctant to eat. 

Pay great care for your Teacup Yorkie’s health, and they will care for you tenfold. Share our words to fur parents of small dog breeds who might be in need! 

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