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Do you know that in the world of birds, there exists a “clown”? A clown that is colorful, full of energy, mischief-maker, super playful, inquisitive, great in socializing, and has a wonderful ability to lighten up the mood of the people around them, this is a Caique parrot in action. With all of its exceptional attributes, it is no secret that a clown is a perfect metaphor to describe them, and as clowns, Caique parrots as well are in demand for petting, as they can easily make their marks and sparks curiosity to the bird enthusiasts that exist. If you are planning on raising a clown bird yourself, or are you an absolute beginner, then you have made the right choice by clicking here, as I will show you step by step on making these wonderful Caique parrots happy by effectively taking care of them. Let us begin. 

Caique Personality

Raising caique parrots requires a lot of time and consistent energy and effort. With the title of being a clown and hyperactivity, their energies are needed to be spare. Not well taken-care caique is prone to misbehave and stubbornness, but well-taken-care ones are sure a gift to have for their loyalty, affection, and wondrous personality. 

Caique Shelter

The main priority you should work on is their cage. Caiques are needed to be placed in a safe, secure cage that will keep them feeling warm, happy, and entertained. 

They need a big cage, even though their size is small since they are very playful and active. The cage ideally should be at least two to three feet wide and three feet tall. There should be enough space for their toys, perches, food bowls, and space where they can roam around and rest. The bars should be made with metal since caique have a habit of biting on things, and a wood or a plastic one, be it durable, are prone to the wreckage. 

As for their perches, wood perches work just fine though they will chew on them. However, chewing will be beneficial for their beaks since they are sharp, and they can be filed down using their toys and chewing on cuttlebones. As for their toys, as long as it is interactive and made safe for parrots, then it sure will light up your caique. 

Their cage should be placed where you or your most family are located since they are social and this would give them the assurance that even though you or your family are busy, they are still part of your family. The back wall of the cage should be against the wall, it helps the caique to feel secured. 

Caique Diet

Caique needs a variety of foods to eat, in order to obtain optimum health and great well-being. Therefore, it should not be fed and expected to thrive well just by seeds alone. 

These are the ideal diet components of caique: 

  • Pellets. High quality and packed with healthful ingredients. 
  • Fresh vegetables, they typically like leafy greens more than anything. 
  • Fruits. It serves as a great rewarding and refreshing treat for them.
  • Grains. It aids with their digestion.
  • Seeds.

Foods that are toxic and should not ever be fed to them. 

  • Chocolate
  • Sugar
  • Fried foods
  • Junk foods
  • Avocado

The feeding portion is usually ½ pellets and seeds, and ½ fruits and vegetables. The size is the standard feeding bowl made for parrots. The portion is full feeding bowl and typically, on their first meal they cannot finish the bowl all at ones, so, therefore, it can be pass through their lunchtime, if they finish all of their first meal, what you can do now is feed them small portion during their lunch and feed them again one or two hours before their bedtime. 

Caiques’ Lifestyle, Health and Well-being

Caiques need a full twelve hours of sleep

To achieve this, their cage should be covered in a blanket to create darkness and the surrounding should be quiet and peaceful. 

For their bathing needs, all they need is a large water dish where they can be comfortable enough since they like to bathe all by themselves. You are encouraged to help since it can be a fun bonding activity.

Train your parrot consistently

As to the specifics, you can ask for a parrot instructor for the beginner training for caique and from then on you can train them yourself. There are outlets on the internet as well that you can look at and copy. Training is essential for their well-being and for you to know their behavior comprehensively.

Caique like to cuddle with their owners

You should provide them cuddles, it is relaxing for both of you and a great quality time. 

Caique are expected to be kind towards their visitors

They sometimes feel uneasy only if they see a person as more of a threat rather than a friend. Practice kindness towards caique, this is what you should tell your family and friends. 

A regular veterinary consultation is a must, even if your caique seems to be healthy.

This is to aid in really confirming their health and ruling out if there’s an undiagnosed illness. This is always the right thing to do. 

If you suspect that they are sick, these are warning signs that you should pay attention to. If you see any of this, an urgent vet visit is encouraged to aid immediate relief and to give proper medical attention and treatment. 

  • Ruffled plumage
  • Beak swelling
  • No appetite
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Discharges from nostrils
  • Cloudy eyes
  • Lethargy


Keep in mind that Caique is something every bird enthusiast should raise. Not only do they have exceptional characteristics, but how caring for them is a great and fulfilling thing to do. As always, responsible pet ownership is not a privilege that few pets can get but a vital duty every pet owner should fulfill.

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