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Australia is known for its abundant wildlife. Aside from its breathtaking scenery of greens, awe-inspiring sights of kangaroos and koalas are something that draws people. And of course, we can never forget the presence of lovable macropods. You may have caught a view of these creatures; and are now drawn to what facts their lives hold; or is an animal nerd looking for additional animal information. Well, if you are either of the two, you are in the right place. Continue reading as we’ll unravel all of the fascinating facts macropods creatures have.

Defining Macropods 

A wallaby is a small or medium-sized macropods that originates in Australia and New Guinea; with a small thriving population in New Zealand, Hawaii, the United Kingdom as well as other countries. The term wallaby is a conversational designation that is operated for any macropod that is more miniature than a kangaroo but stands a bit big; likened to a macropods. They have short hair, powerful hind legs, big feet as well as long tails. Their facial pictures very much resemble a kangaroo and a donkey; and with their endearing eyes, it is no doubt that they hold tremendous cuteness. 

Macropods fit in everywhere 

The natural habitat of wallabies varies depending on the group they are included in. Some of them live in the brush, some adore the rocks, some spend their days in swamps, or forests as well as shrubs. They are very adaptable, so long as they have their pack. 

Macropods thrive both alone and in group 

There may be instances that you’ll spot a wallaby all on its own, and that is normal. These are solitary animals, however, they do bond mainly because of food hunting in groups of up to 30 animals. 

Macropods love plants, they are herbivores 

Wallabies like to indulge in a variety of paints such as grasses, hedges alongside leaves. Because they possess long jaws and big, rather flat teeth, it is well suited for chewing grasses and other plants. Wallabies like to travel in search of food they find appealing, and water to keep them hydrated. 

Young macropods are also known as joeys, like many other existing marsupials 

While adult male macropods are labeled bucks, boomers as well as jacks. Their adult female counterparts are noted as a doe, flier, as well as jill. What do you call a group of them? Well, it is either a court, mob, or a troupe. 

Macropods communicate to each other via thumping 

Wallabies use olfactory as well as visual signals as their means of communication, though they can also utilize their auditory and even tactile method at times. When they feel a danger approaching, wallabies tend to freeze up and proceed to make thumping sounds with their feet to warn other wallabies of potential threats. When scared, they also at times found to make hissing together with snorting noises. 

Macropods can only hop forward 

Even though they very much resemble kangaroos, and they also are known for hopping, macropods only jump distances forward. They are incapable of hopping backward as their physical disposition is not as strong and resilient as kangaroos, their size only contributes to them being limited to just jumping forward. 

Macropods love to swim 

Wallabies make excellent swimmers. They use their hind legs in kicking through the water independently, and they swim, resembling a dog paddle motion. What is surprising about this is wallabies cannot use their legs on land independently but turns out they can on bodies of water. Very much affirms how they really enjoy swimming. 

Most macropods are left-handed 

Research reveals how most macropods tend to favor their left hands. They much resemble humans, where we show a preference for one arm over the other. This preference was seen both in young and adult wallabies in terms of sucking milk on their mother’s pouch, feeding as well as grooming themselves. When retrieving food interestingly, however, they prefer their right arms as it gives adequate body support, and they utilize their left arms more, in terms of manipulating objects and foods. 

Nurturing mother macropods are capable of making 2 types of milk 

Another bewitching fact about wallabies is those female ones have a remarkable ability to create two dissimilar types of milk, all at the same span. They produce a type of milk that benefits a developing Joey in their one nipple, while another type of milk is well nourished for a larger joey on their other nipple. The kinds of milk, each of them, have its own distinct lipid composition, as well as different amounts of protein and carbs. Milk destined for larger joey tends to be high in fat content, which is perfect as they lead a more active lifestyle. 

Macropods resemble grapes when they are born 

Wallabies are born about the size of a grape, some say even the size of jelly beans, looking tiny and helpless. Like kangaroos and many marsupials, newborn wallabies are furless, pink as well as blind. After a few months of gestation, they reach the pouch of their mother, attached through a teat, and will suckle it for half a year. 

Then joeys will stay attached until they have reached most physical developments and become independent. They will begin to spend time outside their pouch to give sense of the outside world, but immediately will jump back the second they see the danger.

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