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This section will provide you with a breakdown of the possible ongoing costs you’ll entail once you decide to keep one or more roosters. Generally, the cost of keeping a hen and a rooster is the same, the prices will only vary depending on the age of the chick, the breed, the city/state where you bought it, the fees of the permits you need to acquire, the materials (for enclosures), the possible medical/vet expenses, and the brands of the food/ toys you want to buy for your pet. In this article, you’ll learn about how much rooster costs as pets.

Purchase Price

Generally, a rooster chick costs between $3 and $50. This depends on the breed of the rooster, the age, the medical expenses incurred by the owner, and the likes. The prices will vary from one state to another, so feel free to do some research on where you can find the best quality chicks at a reasonable price and raised by a reputable breeder.

It’s better to buy small male chicks instead of acquiring an older one or a fully matured rooster, the downside of course is that you may need to wait for a few months before you can buy a hatchling. Ordinary roosters can cost around $3 to $5 while hybrid roosters and popular breeds can cost $30 to $50 and above per chick. A rooster pullet (juvenile rooster) may cost you around $20 and above. If you want to save money, and you’re not that concern with the quality of the breed, you can choose to adopt a rooster for free! Just look for a rooster adoption ads or talk to breeders who may have unwanted roosters.

Housing Expenses

The coop for your rooster (for chicks and matured ones) on average costs $500. If you’re going to buy one from fancy stores or something made out of quality and durable materials, expect to pay around $1,000 to $4,000. Secondhand coops are usually cheaper, you can buy one for just $50 or more. Most keepers just build their own coops or enclosures to save money. Sometimes it’s made out of recycled materials, and cheap alternatives. If you want to improvise make sure you have the proper hand tools to aid you.

Raising Male Chicks

If you wanted to raise male chicks, then you’ll need a brooder. You can buy a ready-made brooder for about $75 and up. Again, you can just build your own brooder for your small chicks; the materials that keepers usually use to improvise are Rubbermaid tubs, old packing cases, crates and the likes. Just make sure that there’s enough space for each chick. The hatchlings will stay there for around 6 weeks before being moved to a coop. You’ll also need a light bulb and heat lamp to keep the hatchlings warm which can cost a rooster around $20 – $30.

Feeders, Bedding, and Toys

Feeders including water systems for the coop usually costs $8 to $40, of course this will again depend on the brand, design, and size. Some keepers improvise the feeders by just making egg boxes as feeders, while a shallow dish to place water can also work if the male chicks are still young.

When it comes to bedding, you can provide your pet with wood shavings, straws, or sawdust pellets that usually costs from $3 to $12 per 40 pounds of bag (for sawdust pellets).

When it comes to toys, you can keep your roosters entertained by buying different chicken toys that are usually available in pet stores or online suppliers. If you want to save money, you can get creative and just opt to create a DIY (Do – It – Yourself) toy materials to entertain your chicks/roosters.

Food Expenses

For chicks, you can buy a 50 pound bag that will cost around $15 to $20 depending on the quality, brands, and if it is organic, regular, or medicated/ non – medicated. You can save money if you buy in large amounts. For juveniles and older roosters, a 50 pound bag may cost you around $18, while pellets cost between $15 and $30. Scratch grains usually costs $10 per 50 pounds.

Miscellaneous Expenses

It’s best to set aside $10 to $100 per month for other expenses like medicine, neuter/caponize, vaccines, pest control, permits etc. You may need to also set aside money for vet expenses if ever your rooster gets ill.

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