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Wallaby and wallaroo species are kinds of macro pods, that translates to being a family name that means Bigfoot. You’ll immediately recognize these cute marsupials for their powerful back legs alongside their large back feet; which they use to move about by hopping and leaping. The two, being well known as Australian natives; also live predominantly distinguish in Papua New Guinea and other islands surrounding mainland Australia. 

Wallabies and Wallaroos are both herbivores; and they similarly occupy likewise ecological niches, they are quite indistinguishable now, but; you’ll learn in a few to spot their key differences. This article will help you how to distinguish a wallaby to a wallaroo; that will enable you to label these two animals in a glance accurately.

Diversity of Species 

Perchance, one of the most prominent distinguish surrounding wallabies; and wallaroos accounts for the number of taxonomic categories of each type of animal. There exist only three wallaroo varieties of one taxonomic group live in Australia: black wallaroos or Macropus bernardus; antilopine wallaroos, or referred to as Macropus antilopinus together with standard wallaroos; named Macropus robustus. 

In comparison, there are above 30 wallaby kinds across seven genera. Wallaby species including the swamp wallaby; or scientifically anointed Wallabia bicolor; is genetically differentiable from all other macro pods and nail-tailed wallabies. It is famed for the sharp nails at the end of their tail. Moreover, rock wallabies are the most numerous types of wallabies, and that alone have at least 16 species. 

Physical Differences 

Size is the biggest physical distinction you can see between wallabies and wallaroos. Wallaroos makeup from being 3 feet tall and roughly 50 pounds; up to existing 5 feet tall and measuring more than 120 pounds. On the other side, you will find that wallabies are much smaller. They are typically between 12 and 20 inches in height and just weigh lightly between 10 and 15 pounds. 

Other differences vary among the species. For example, common wallaroos possess shorter limbs than any macro prods; which is believed to give them greater agility in the rocky mountainous areas where they mostly reside. Rock wallabies on the other hand deal with rocky terrain differently; as they possess special pads on their feet that are built to grip rocks instead of pushing off dirt to jump as other macropods do. 

Wallabies have distinguish snout, sizable ears; and a fur coat existing in hues of gray, rufous, brown; black as well as white and a considerably longer tail. Wallaroos have instead stocky build, possess coarse fuzzy fur; have no hair on their muzzle, and have a comparatively short and vicious tail. 


Various types of wallabies live in nearly every region and habitat existing in mainland Australia, as well as outlying islands of it. However, because many species are specially adapted for particular habitats, for instance, rock wallabies being well suited for rocky hills and fountains, individual species typically inhabit certain regions. Moreover, few are only being widespread. Two wallaroo taxonomic groups assemble their sanctuaries in the Northern District, while the typical wallaroos dwell lengthwise in mainland Australia. Both wallabies and wallaroos do not reside in Tasmania.

Conservation Issues 

There are, however, at least 11 wallaby species listed as jeopardized and imperiled. Habit destruction poses the biggest threat to the survival of many wallaby populations, but because of their smaller size, they also face danger from predation. Dingoes, foxes, and other invasive species frequently kill off wallabies. 

Since the European settlement of Australia, no less than four wallaby taxonomic categories have now become nonextant, and this is due to habitat destruction alongside overhunting. Lastly, the parma wallaby was once thought extinct but thankfully discovered to have a thriving population on a New Zealand island.

Three Fun Facts About Wallabies

  • Wallabies are distinguish for their omnipotent hind legs that are not only fabulous in bounding at high speeds and jump-starting great heights but also, in launching energetic kicks that knock out potential predators. 
  • These animals have powerful pigtails that they use to maintain their balance and to hold themselves capable of a sitting posture 
  • Macropods are most active and lively during dusk and dawn, meaning that they are actually crepuscular.

Three Fun Facts About Wallaroos

  • The word wallaroo originates in the combination of both literal words and meanings of a wallaby and a kangaroo. A kangaroo is generally large, and it is slime in the body. A wallaby is distinguish typically smaller, and they are heavy-set in weight. A wallaroo, as a result, and observation is right in the middle of the two. 
  • Wallaroos use their tail, functioning as a third leg that they take advantage of for sitting. 
  • Wallaroos, in normalcy, rest during the hottest part of the day in the shadows created by the overhangs and caves in their rather rocky habitat. They are nocturnal, as they only come out in the evening, grazed on vegetation. 

Keep In Mind

Knowing the two, which of which do you like better? The joke aside, We are hoping that this discussion has brought enlightenment in determining the distinction between the equally endearing wallabies and wallaroos. Share our words to those who might be a wallabies and wallaroos nerd! 

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