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When it comes to the labor process of cats, keep in mind that during labor, time between contractions decreases typically around 2 to 3 minutes apart. The first kitten to be born takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour after strong contractions and the birth interval between kittens is usually 15 minutes to 30 minutes. 

Upon giving birth the kitten is inside a placenta and wrapped in the amniotic sac membranes that will cover its muzzle. The mother cat should break these by licking to enable the kitten to breathe.

The mother cat will also chew through the cord and eat the placenta, which is normal and nutritionally valuable for her, although quite gross for us humans.

To bathe your Bengal, fill your tub or a large sink with about 1 inch (2.54 cm) of lukewarm water – you only need enough to get his skin damp. Use a baby shampoo or something that is very mild and fragrance-free and massage it into your cat’s skin by hand or using a soft cloth.

Labor Process of Cats: Materials

If you want to help in giving birth to your Bengal cat, make sure you have the following:

  • Watch or clock
  • Clean cloth or toweling face
  • Small box
  • Polar fleece, baby blanket etc. and hot water bottle
  • Gloves
  • Fresh bedding
  • Scissors

But before helping during the labor process, consult your veterinarian first or study and ask breeders on how to do this properly.

Here are some signs that your Bengal is ready to give birth and got through the labor process:

  • Presence of water bubble of amniotic fluid – indicates that a kitten is in the birth canal
  • The queen cries out or move around to make itself comfortable

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