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When it comes to dealing with problem behaviors; if you have decided to live with a Savannah cat; there are a few quirks of this breed that are a given. And that should be considered when you bring them home.  In domestic cats, these might be considered destructive behavior; but they are simply natural for the Savannah – given his high energy and wild heritage.  Dealing with problem behaviors probably means that you will have to adjust your lifestyle to meet their unique needs.  If what you are looking for is a quiet, tame, and domestic lap cat; then the Savannah cat is probably not right for you. This lovely breed needs an owner who will fully understand, accept; and know how to manage their unique quirks and traits. In this article, you’ll learn how you can begin dealing with problem behaviors of your pet.

How to Deal with Behavioral Problems of Your Savannah Cat

  • Leaving breakables out in the open is a huge no-no for a home with a Savannah.  And it doesn’t matter how high up on the shelf you store those precious objects.  These cats are climbers, and they will climb closets, shelves, trees; and other high places, many times knocking over stuff to do so.
  • You have to have a sense of humor when dealing with these cats.  Some will hide up on a shelf and then drop things down on you when you’re not looking.  Others have reported their Savannahs having a penchant of hiding when they’re near; and then pouncing on them to scare them.  They like to play, and sometimes, they won’t take no for an answer.  This breed needs a lot of interaction; and the lack of an active playmate inside the home might instead lead them to some destructive behavior.
  • In addition to the above; this is not a breed that you can leave alone in the house for too long.  What with their need for attention, interactive gameplay, and their Houdini-like tactics; you might find yourself dealing with a Savannah with some behavioral problems.  You need to have the time; and energy to devote to this breed because this is a cat will act out; and won’t respond to obvious signs of displeasure simply to please you.
  • There have also been reports of aggressive Savannahs that spit, hiss, and even attack people.  On the one hand, this can probably be traced back to their wild Serval heritage; and the degree to which it manifests in Savannahs may be affected by how far removed; the cat is from its wild Serval ancestor. This is why breeders are actively trying to breed down among purebred Savannahs, and outcrossing is no longer permitted.  If this is your first time to bring a Savannah home, opt for a later generation, ideally F4, F5 or later. 
  • On the other hand, such behavior manifesting may simply be a result of improper socialization skills when they were kittens, and not enough continuing socialization afterward.  This is why it is important to get your cat from a reputable breeder, and why prospective Savannah owners should realize how much work this cat can be.  One has to be willing to put in the work for this breed, and unless you are ready, willing and able to do so, then this is probably not the breed for you.

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