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You might be new to proper rooster’s care, which is something many of us do not pay attention to or think about often. Glad that you are curious and with that, you are definitely in the right place. In this article, you’ll learn about the things you can do to maintain your rooster in its optimum health and best shape.

Steps in Maintaining a Rooster’s Optimum Health

Stop the bleed 

It is common for a rooster to be wounded outdoors, as you may also have pets and wildlife. To account, stop the bleed, as bleeding wounds can become infected easily. Roosters also do not like band-aids nor dressing, they rarely tolerate it. Thus, a great way to suppress it is by using blood-stop powder. Once the bleeding has stopped, you are to use an antiseptic spray to keep the infection out. 

Now, you may be wondering why wound management is the top rooster care, it is because it is an integral part of keeping your rooster healthy. Literally. 

Provide the accurate feed 

This may come off as basic, but roosters must be fed properly, accurately for it to perform in optimum condition, and thus generate their best health. Layer feeding feeds are best for them. You are to look for layer feeding pallets designed with extra calcium and made with highly nutritious ingredients. Do not miss protein, as it helps in improving your chicken’s tissue, blood circulation, organs, bones, muscles ligaments, and feathers. Moreover, skin and nails are to benefit. 

A great pellet is Nutrena NatureWise layer feed, made with respect to a healthy complete diet that roosters will simply improve when eating. 

Boost your rooster’s calcium level 

It goes without saying that roosters need a wide and varied diet to remain happy and healthy, and calcium is a one nutrient deficiency that may arise from time to time. 

A great supplement for it is oyster grit, as well as for a cheaper alternative, crushed eggshell. Calcium helps roosters to have strong bones as well as generate strong muscles, support in the cardiovascular system, and overall improvement of the rooster’s internal systems. 

Add Apple cider vinegar to your rooster’s water 

Adding Apple cider vinegar with the mother to your chicken’s drinking water will help improve and better their gut health, as it changes the pH of the substance, making it inhospitable to many microorganisms. 

Acidifying water alters the gut’s bad bacteria and slows their growth, whilst giving a boost to good bacteria. The acidity also helps control coccidiosis and Clostridium bacteria that can give your rooster a fatal disease called necrotic enteritis. One to two tablespoons per gallon of water is the optimum amount of Apple cider vinegar. It is a small move for a huge benefit. 

Clean your rooster’s coop 

A neat and clean coop is a healthier coop. Roosters grow to have a sensitive respiratory system that is easily irritated by ammonia and mold from accumulated droppings. When you clean its coop. It is less likely to be the house of stubborn external parasites such as poultry lice and mites. Because of this, your rooster will be in a better state, both physically, and mentally. It is to be more active and lively, rather than lethargic and passive. 

Provide a dust bathing area 

A dust bast is your rooster’s daily shower. These animals like to dig shallow spots in the dirt, sand, or even flower pots to work in their skin and feathers to help in their skin and feathers as well as parasites control. 

To assemble, you just have to have a readily shallow bucket of sand, and it might sound horrifying as it can irritate the respiratory system, but the benefit outweighs the danger of temporarily adding such material. 

Always provide a clean water

Providing clean and fresh water in your rooster sounds like common sense, but trust us, most roosters drink from waterers harboring fecal matter, bacteria, and other organisms that can make them sick. The solution is to employ nipple waterers. 

These nipples have been successfully integrated on billions of chickens with claims of it being used by billions of chickens and since then, disease reduction is so striking, making it the standard and much better drinking system. 

Check your rooster regularly 

To know whether it is as it optimum health and well-being, look out for these signs below: 


The feathers must be full and fluffy, great shape and vibrant, almost as if it is shiny as well. If a rooster is missing more than a few feathers, and you have more than one rooster, chances are it is being bullied. To aid with the bullying, you are to separate the victim to cool off. 


You must ensure that your rooster is walking normally and not limping on one spectrum or showing signs of restlessness 


Its eyes must be clear and free from discharge 


The crop is an organ that lies just inside the chest of a chicken. If you feel a big, squishy mass, it could be a sign that it is impacted and your rooster might be suffering from a fungal infection called a sour crop. 


A healthy rooster has a comb that is firm. 

Legs and feet

Rooster’s legs and feet must be smooth and free from scales. Regularly checking, handling, and interacting with your rooster will help you to establish a good and safe relationship with it, and it will grow to learn that you are not a predator. Funnily, yet sweet, it also gives you a chance to hug it at the same time. 

If you happen to suspect bad signs or contradicting results, you must aid them with proper veterinary consultation to better their health and well-being. 


Caring for a rooster can be fulfilling and a great thing to do, if you’re really passionate about nurturing one. With the above discussion, I’ll be lying if I tell you that the process is hard when in actuality, it is very easy. Happy rooster pet parenting! 

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