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Mice make great companions! Pet mice and caging tips are friendly, clever, relatively easy to keep and also inexpensive when it comes to maintenance. Mice also make great first – time pets since they can easily be tamed and even trained.  And if you handle them properly, it’s not likely that they’ll bite you or anyone. Pet mice and caging tips are very sociable creatures, and if you acquire a pair or perhaps a small group, you’ll surely be amused with their little antics as they eat, groom, play and sleep together in their tiny cage. No two mice are quite the same, either personality or appearance, and you will have plenty of time learning what they like and don’t like along with the habits that they make. Pet mice also come in various colors, and each variety can extremely be amazing to look at especially if you acquire different colors and make them live in one enclosure.

Pet mice and caging tips are great creatures to keep especially if you’re out of the house most of the day since they tend to be active at night, and will just sleep during the day when you’re not around. Their small size makes the best choice of pet particularly if you only have limited space. Even if you purchase a big cage, it will only take a little space in your house unlike if you acquire other kinds of household pets. Your pet mice certainly won’t mind if you don’t have any garden or yard.

The basic needs for owning pet mice are kind of the same when keeping any other small pet; you need to purchase a good sized cage, provide plenty of toys, a nutritious diet, and of course access to health care should your pet mice need it. Don’t forget to spend time with them and make sure that their cage is always clean. None of these necessities are actually expensive. A mouse enclosure can be bought at an inexpensive price, or you can even buy a second – hand one. Household items like egg boxes and roll tubes make great toys as well.

Pet mice are not demanding pets either, and even if you need to spend some time with them, they will be quite happy when you leave them in their own devises every now and then if you have other commitments. Overall pet mice are cute animals that are suitable for any lifestyles and a perfect pet for all ages.

Choosing a Cage for Your Pet Mice

It is essential to recognize that there’s no such thing as the best type of enclosure for a pet mice. There are different types of cage sizes and each has its own pros and cons, so choosing which one is the best will depend on what you think is appropriate for both you and your pet mice. It will highly depend on your personal preference, for instance, some keepers tend to prefer a larger floor space to height, but there are also a lot of important things you need to take into consideration. It could be that the type of cage you have the room or money is what your pet mice need or it may be that the pet mice you want dictate the type of cage.

When it comes to choosing a cage, one of the things you need to consider is the gender of your pet. Male mice are generally larger than females and are less inclined to live together happily which is why a pair of male mice will require more space than a pair of does (females). If you choose a wire cage then bar spacing may need to be smaller for females than males.

Another thing to consider is the number of mice and their age. A group of eight mice will naturally require more room than a group of two or three. Baby or young mice, apart from obviously being smaller, are quicker and more active than older mice. They are more likely to escape through small gaps and are more inclined towards climbing.


When it comes to the type of enclosure, it’s important to choose the size of the cage whether a barred or solid cage will be more suitable. If being kept in a room with other animals such as cats or rats a solid walled cage may offer your pet mice better protection than something paws, claws or tails can poke through. If space is limited a small based but tall cage might suit or if you have a large surface area but height is restricted a wide, short one may be better. This is the same if you buy a solid cage as it will shield better against drafts if the cage is to be housed in a cool or slightly drafty room whereas a room where it is difficult to open windows. And while most types of cage can be bought cheaply second hand the amounts you have to spend will likely have to cover all the toys and accessories as well as the cage itself.

The cage systems often require less adapting and fewer extras than other cages as they are to some extent a playground in themselves. Old fish tanks are often very cheap, sometimes only a few pounds, but will almost certainly need more kitting out to make the most of their space and to make them interesting. This need not be expensive but is worth bearing in mind. Hamster cages will normally come with basics such as water bottles, feeding bowls and wheels and can relatively cheap from new, although not all will be suitable for your pet mice.

The cage should have enough space so that your pet for exercise and movement. A big and multi – level cage is preferred. A wire cage with plastic bottom or a solid metal is preferred since it can provide with more ventilation compared to a glass enclosure. Ventilated cage can also prevent respiratory infections. Pet mice will also love privacy and a hide box for security.

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