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It is highly recommended that you only purchase a captive – bred crested gecko. Sure it may cost you a little extra dollars but it is worth it because you can be guaranteed that the crested gecko is healthy and doesn’t have any illnesses or transmitted diseases. Aside from that it will also benefit captive breeding programs, and will help them to further breed healthy species in the future.

Avoid buying from backyard breeders. As much as possible, don’t acquire a crested gecko from backyard breeders just because it’s cheap. You may not be certain about its health, and the crested geckos they have may also just be caught in the wild and not bred in captivity. You may risk from the issues of importation damages. It happens when species are illegally imported/ caught in the wild.

It’s also not recommended that you buy from pet stores. Local pet stores more often than not only sell crested geckos for profit, and the creatures are usually in poor condition because of improper husbandry, and unsanitary housing facility.  On top of that, the needs of crested geckos are overlooked by pet stores.

You may opt for adoption. Try if you can find a crested gecko in a reptile adoption centers. The only downside is you won’t be guaranteed of its health/background but you can save the lives of this species.

Make sure that the species you’re getting is the right breed of gecko. Before purchasing you should also first identify if the crested gecko is a captive breed or caught in the wild. It’s important that you verify with the seller or provider the kind of crested gecko you are purchasing.  If your provider is unsure then you may ask a reputable source or an expert in reptiles to identify the kind of breed/ color pattern you want to buy.

Purchase from legitimate breeders, crested gecko hobbyists, or during reptile conventions. These are some of the places where you can find passionate breeders who are also experts when it comes to all things gecko! You can also get referrals on where you can purchase a healthy crested gecko from several forums online or online communities. These communities usually have contacts, has history information regarding responsible breeding, and you can also get ideas on how to properly care for your new pet. Still be wary though and ensure that you’re getting exactly what you pay for. Be wary of breeders or hobbyists who are selling crested geckos that are too young as well.

As much as possible, don’t purchase very young crested geckos. Ensure that the species you’re going to buy is already old and mature enough to be transferred. Hatchling crested geckos are quite delicate and fragile because of their small size; you’ll have more chance of successfully raising a much older crested gecko.

Quarantine your newly acquired pet. It’s very ideal that you quarantine your crested gecko for at least more than a month before keeping them with other similar species. This is to ensure that your pet is healthyand is not a carrier of transmittable diseases. Doing a quarantine for exotic animals such as the crested gecko is important because these creatures don’t show any signs of illnesses, and can even hold on to it for a long time without being noticed. Here are some steps you need to take for a successful quarantine period:

Step #1: Put your new crested gecko in a separate room, away from your other pets for at least 45 days.

Step #2: Make sure to feed and handle all your other pets before introducing or placing the newly quarantine gecko with them to avoid contamination.

Step #3: Make sure to use separate equipment for the quarantined gecko, and always wash your hands after handling them. Cage hygiene should always be done to prevent the spread of germs or parasites.

Step#4: You can also test your new pet’s fecal sample at your vet for diagnosis and testing to ensure that they aren’t suffering from any internal diseases/ disorders.

Step #5: After careful observation, and health testing, you can now introduce your crested gecko to its new home or other similar species. Do the same thing if you’re planning to acquire more than 2 or 3 animals.

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