How to Care for Mini Pigs?
How to care for mini pigs? Miniature pigs are domesticated smaller versions of feral hogs and combinations of different pig breeds that were genetically engineered by researchers. In the United States; mini pigs are also known as the American Mini, they are just the...
How Do I Keep My Mini Pig Healthy?
How do I keep my mini pig healthy? If you want to buy a mini pig, be prepared to drop a whopping $750 to $3,500 on your new animal. After buying, the expense of maintaining a pig as a pet dog just climbs up from there. How do I keep my mini pig healthy? Due to the...
How to Handle Mini Pigs?
How to handle mini pigs? This is such an interesting opportunity, and also it’s enjoyable to acquire every little thing all set for your new household pet pig! How to handle mini pigs? Just before your mini pig comes in, we highly recommend that you have already...
Can I Train My Mini Pigs?
Can I train my mini pigs? Before we answer that, let me first introduce what mini pigs are. The American Mini or miniature pigs in general are a “mixed in” or combination of different breed types of feral hogs. Currently there are no tests to determine their genetic...