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Dachshund dogs, the ever-popular charming, and very lovable dog. Their unique composure; together with the cutest face and the positive aura they emit wherever they go and whoever they meet; really do justice to their title as one of the popular and well-received dog breeds. They are the perfect example of being small but terrible; their small and elongated size is well perceived as cute, holds courage and independence; as well as secure and faithful to their owner. Curious as to how you can raise these balls of sunshine? Or should I say these oblong balls of sunshine?

First of all, what to expect in Daschund? 

Daschund dogs are active, they are lively, brave, affectionate; and are relatively easy to raise, as far as those existing dachshund owners preach. Their affectionate nature makes them win their owners fast; as they love to be with their owner and people in general, they are very friendly. They make a great family dog as they blend and do well with children, adults; and the elderly, they are very protective as well and they make a great watchdog. 

They can be stubborn as their intelligence leaves them curious most of the time; their independence can make it a challenge to effectively and sustainably train them to foster good behavior; but they are overall easy to train, as long as you are firm, dedicated, serious about it and start as soon as you can. 

Part 1: Shelter and Basic Care Needs

If you plan on not having a cage for your pet dachshund; it is still essential that they have a designated space. The first thing they need is a bed space; make sure it is soft and comfortable to aid their delicate elongated spine. Decorate and place toys for mental stimulation. 

As you can observe, dachshund dogs have short legs. If your house has a stair; or if you plan on placing their bed onto your bedroom, make sure they have stools to go up and down. These will prevent any spinal injury; and they relatively are not the best jumper, these stools will make their lives easy and safe. If stools are not accessible, make sure you are carrying your dog up and down the stairs. 

As soon as you get your hands to your dachshund dogs, training should immediately start. The sooner and as early as you can, the easier it is to foster good behaviors as they will easily comprehend that these behaviors are normal; and should be done by default. Seek help from professional dog trainers to get you started the right way. 

Tip #1

Hold your dachshund the right way, to do this, support your dog’s rear end with one hand; and place another hand under his belly to support his back.

Tip #2

When you are walking your dachshund, give them a protective harness to ensure its safety. 

Every day, provide your dachshund with at least thirty minutes of exercise and playtime. Exercising and playtime can be merged into one, and this is extremely helpful as they keep their lifestyle active, and has a great impact on their health and weight maintenance. 

Tip #3

Practice proper hygiene with your dachshund dog. Regularly bathe them at least once a week. Brush their teeth at least once a week as well. Groom and brush their furs, clip their nails, and always check for fleas, ticks, and potential skin and health problems by also checking lumps, wounds all over their body. In addition to that, check their ears and clean build-up wax to avoid foul odors. 

Part 2: Effective Feeding

Choose a high-quality dog food for your daschund, and supplement it with almost thirty percent fruits and vegetables as treats. If readily made dog foods do not speak to you, you can cook them yourself. The best meats for them are deboned turkey, lean beef, chicken, pork and whitefish. Make sure they are cooked as raw meat increases the risk of the salmonella virus. 

Puppies are to be fed three times a day. Adults are to be fed two times a day. Their feeding equipment should be made for their breed, as they are relatively small dogs with small stomachs, and they are prone to overeating; and weight gain. To make sure that your dog is not overweight; always assess if you can still feel their ribs and if not, gradually decrease their food by ten percent. 

Tip #1

Place water bowls all around the house to keep them hydrated and to aid in their digestion.

Tip #2

Sanitize their feeding equipment and replace their food and water daily, to avoid contamination of germs and bacteria.

Part 3: Health and Well-being

Get your dachshund vaccinated for various health issues they are at risk. This will give them protection and assurance that they will not acquire it. It is the vital first step in making sure your dog is at its optimum health condition. 

Tip #1

Regularly consult with a trusted veterinarian; at least once or twice a year to rule out if there is an underlying, undiagnosed health condition. If your dachshund has a special medical condition, treat it and take it seriously. Their health is at your hands, and it is your sole responsibility. 

Tip #2

To keep their well-being in a happy and content state, make sure they are in a loving and caring environment, model good behaviors and genuinely provide love, care and support for your dog. 

Keep in Mind

Dachshund dogs sure will make your life better and happier. These dogs are endearing in many of their ways, and taking care of them will seemingly be an easy responsibility if you love doing so. So, would you take a “hotdog” for a lifetime companion? 

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